Hemp Bombs CBD Lip Balm 125mg

CBD – Our CBD-Infused Lip Balm comprises 125mg of this natural compound for its soothing and hydrating effects. Used topically, CBD may help ease irritation and deliver long-lasting nourishment to the lips.

Beeswax – One of the most highly recommended ingredients for lip care, beeswax helps heal chapped lips, while providing a protective layer to lock in moisture and shield against environmental factors like extreme heat, cold and wind.

Vitamin E – Packed with antioxidants, vitamin E can help protect against free radical damage to give your lips a youthful appearance. Vitamin E also encourages cell turnover and regeneration to bring new cells to the surface and shed dead cells faster.

Sweet Almond Oil – The emollient properties of sweet almond oil rejuvenate your lips and help keep them moisturized and soft without clogging the pores.

Shea Butter – A staple for beauty products, shea butter is filled with vitamins and antioxidants that deeply penetrate the skin to prevent dryness, soothe irritation and keep cells healthy.

  • Tested by third-party labs
  • Non-THC
  • Not a Marijuana product